Smart Texas Girl – “Hanna”
2 year old quarter horse filly with a very well developed body.
Her mother, Tucks Bo Lassie (Peppy San Badger, Poco Bueno) is an American import mare bred by Wagon R Ranch and her father is the ARC Suprisinly Smart (Surprise Enterprise, Smart Little Lena) from Arcese.
She is a young horse with a real reining shape, muscular back-end and light movements. Besides, she is really friendly and relaxed. He has been dealt with regularly since she was born.
It’s also easy to get up on the trailer and she gives her feet willingly to the farrier. For sure she’s going to be a good horse.
Be Aech Enterprise
Jimmys Valentine
Smart Little Lena
My Lynx
Mr Sorrel Bo
King Tucks Lassie
Pepping Bo Badger
Docs Pavo Lady
Poco King Tuck
Lassie Doc